库克工业镜头改造 库克发布S7i和Anamorphici FF Plus系列新镜头

小编 2024-10-23 机器视觉 23 0

库克发布S7i和Anamorphici FF Plus系列新镜头

库克的S7/i和Anamorphic/i Full Frame Plus变形镜头系列都迎来了新镜头。支持大画幅格式的S7/i系列新增一支300 mm和三支1:1 Full Frame Plus微距:60 mm、90 mm和150 mm。这三支微距镜头将组成S7/i家族中一个新的分支系列。


新推出的S7/i 300 mm最大光圈T3.3,它是本系列唯一一支非T2镜头。


• 16 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 18 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 21 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 25 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 27 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 32 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 40 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 50 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 65 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 75 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 100 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 135 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 180 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T2

• 300 mm S7/i Full Frame Plus T3.3

库克的Anamorphic/i Full Frame Plus变形镜头系列同样加入了一支新镜头:180 mm T2.9。




——库克光学主席莱斯.泽兰(Les Zellan)


镜头测评 莱卡Summicron-C VS库克S4min

今天我们将要做的器材测评是测试莱卡Summicron-C的镜头和库克S4 mini的镜头。

它们的镜头都处于相同的价格范围内,因此拿来比较相对公平。我们将要使用焦距21mm和75mm的镜头用于莱卡Summicron-C,以及25mm和75mm的镜头用于库克S4mini。(注:因为我们要对比莱卡Summicron-C 21mm镜头和库克S4 mini 25mm镜头,这将会产生一些4mm的镜头移位)

莱卡Summicron-C 21/75mm和库克S4 mini 25/75mm




色温-5400 K

























库克S4 Mini通过库克S4定焦向我展示这样的一个特点:这几款镜头的的背景虚化都不够圆润





图15: 莱卡Summicron颜色处于中和(neutral),并且整体来说镜头也是中性的。





图18: 两种镜头的对比图中,可以看到库克的城乡中有一些红色和黄色。莱卡的成像中颜色则更佳中和,同时带有更多的白色。接下来标准颜色版将帮助我们看到这些镜头如何处理高光的:


两个镜头成像中的高光看似相同,但从细节来看,这两种镜头都呈现出相同量的锐度。然而,如果你仔细观察两者的对比度,便可发现莱卡Summicron呈现出更多的对比 度。在莱卡镜头下,女模特身后的背景色是更加深的黑色。而如果你观察背景中的花,可以感觉到库克成像中的花比莱卡成像中的花距离更远。





图23-25: 两个镜头都将高光把握得很好。如果你朝女模特的头发看过去,它并没有被“烧尽”。




将图像移近,两者在进光速度上有一个轻 微三分之二的差异。因为最小的tstop(绝对进光差异)在库克S4mini中是t 2.8,而在莱卡Summicron是t 2。


接下来看看颜色进阶版,来辨别女模特看上去是否在任何 程度上更加年轻,或是任何镜头其独特的特性。


图34: 仔细对比,可发现两者镜头非常相近。脸部结构相同,女模特看上去都在相同的年纪。库克S4mini仍然看上去更佳偏黄,而莱卡Summicron看上去更佳中和。


莱卡Summicron-C 镜头:














Today we are going to test the Leica Summicron-C lenses and the Cooke S4 Mini lenses. These lenses are in the same price range, so it will be good to see how these lenses compare side by side. The Leica Summicron lenses we will be using are the 21mm and 75mm, and the Cooke S4 Mini lenses will be a 25mm and 75mm. Since we are comparing a Leica Summicron 21mm to a Cooke S4 Mini 25mm lens, there will be a little bit of a lens shift of 4mm. Even though there’s the shift, I’ll do my best to look at how the lenses compare.

Leica Summicron-C 21/75mm vs Cooke S4 Mini 25/75mm

Here are the specs of our lens test today:

Let’s take a look at our ungraded wide lenses:

Leica Summicron 21mm, ungraded

Looking at the Leica Summicron, I’m seeing a less dimensional background. The Leica Summicron lenses are designed to be flat, and I can see that here. Look how close the background looks to the foreground.

Cooke S4 Mini 25mm, ungraded

With the Cooke S4 Mini, I’m seeing the Cooke look that we saw with the Cooke S4 in a previous article The background seems to be pushing away from her and there is a three dimensional quality to the image.

Side by side comparison, Leica Summicron 21mm and Cooke S4 Mini 25mm, both ungraded

Even with the 25mm Cooke S4 Mini being 4mm more than the 21mm Leica Summicron, the distance between the background and foreground seems to be the same amount of distance for both lenses. With a 25mm, that background should definitely seem like it is coming closer to us than it is with the 21mm Leica Summicron, but the distance from the background and foreground in both images seems about the same.

Now here are our color graded versions:

Leica Summicron 21mm, color graded

Cooke S4 Mini 25mm, color graded

Side by side comparison, Leica Summicron 21mm and Cooke S4 Mini 25mm, both color graded

Everything is obviously a little bigger with the 25mm lens, but the Cooke S4 Minis do the same thing as the Cooke S4 lenses. Although the background looks pulled back, Monette looks thinner because that is a Cooke look, and there is a more three dimensional quality to the Cooke S4 Minis, just like the Cooke S4.

Looking at the ungraded images, you can see that the Cooke S4 mini also has a little more yellow than the Leica Summicron, just like the Cooke S4.

Leica Summicron 75mm, ungraded

If you look at the Leica Summicron, the image is more white compared to the Cooke S4 Mini, which has more yellow.

Cooke S4 Mini 75mm, ungraded

It’s apparent in the ungraded Cooke S4 Mini that there is more yellow in this lens compared to the Leica Summicron. You can really see this in the side-by-side comparison below:

Side by side comparison, Leica Summicron 75mm and Cooke S4 Mini 75mm, both ungraded

Looking at Bokeh

With the graded version, let’s take a look at the bokeh over her right and left shoulders, first with the Leica Summicron. With the Leica Summicron, the bokeh is rounder because the lens has more blades. With the smaller amount of blades, you get more stop signing and less round bokeh.

Leica Summicron 75mm, color graded

Looking at the bokeh of the Cooke S4 Minis, I can see that it’s much less round. There are edges to the bokeh, and there’s a stop signing effect because the Cooke S4 Minis have fewer blades in the iris.

Cooke S4 Mini 75mm, color graded

Cooke S4 Minis share this characteristic with Cooke s4 primes. Both of these types of lenses have less round bokeh.

Side by side comparison, Leica Summicron 75mm and Cooke S4 Mini, both color graded

Notice the different bokeh

Looking at Color and Contrast

Now we take the lenses to the backyard by the flowers so we can see the colors and highlights. We look at our ungraded images first:

Leica Summicron 75mm, ungraded

The Leica Summicron looks neutral and is overall a neutral lens.

Cooke S4 Mini 75mm, ungraded

Looking at the Cooke S4 Mini, I can see a bit of red and yellow.

Side by side comparison, Leica Summicron 75mm and Cooke S4 Mini 75mm, both ungraded

Notice that she has more red and yellow with the Cooke S4 Mini lens

Looking at the lenses side by side, I can see that the Cooke has a little red and yellow in it. The Leica Summicron is more neutral and has more white in it. Our graded versions help us see how the lenses handle the highlights:

Leica Summicron 75mm, color graded

Cooke S4 Mini, color graded

Side by side comparison, Leica Summicron 75mm and Cooke S4 Mini 75mm, both color graded

The highlights of both the lenses look about the same, and in the detail, it seems like both lenses are showing about the same amount of sharpness. However, if you look at the contrast in the side by side, it looks like the Leica Summicron is showing a bit more contrast. The background behind her is a deeper black with the Leica Summicron, than with the Cooke S4 Mini. If you look at the flowers in the background, the flowers with the Cooke S4 Mini look further away than the flowers with the Leica Summicron. The Cooke S4 Minis aren’t as extreme with creating depth as the Cooke S4 though.

Taking the Lenses into a Less Controlled Environment

Let’s take the lenses out to the corral to see how they do in an environment with less light control. The deck reflects light and Monette stands in broad daylight. This way we can see how our lenses handle highlights in this situation.

Leica Summicron 21mm, ungraded

Cooke S4 Mini 25mm, ungraded

Side by side comparison, Leica Summicron 21mm and Cooke S4 Mini 25mm, both ungraded

Both of the lenses seem to be holding the highlights well. If you look at her hair, it’s not burning out. Let’s take a look at the graded versions to better analyze the highlights.

Leica Summicron 21mm, color graded

Cooke S4 Mini 25mm, color graded

Side by side comparison, Leica Summicron 21mm and Cooke S4 Mini 25mm, both color graded

Looking closely at the color graded versions, the Cooke S4 Mini seems to be holding the highlights better than the Leica Summicron.

Moving on to our close ups, we have a slight two thirds stop difference because the minimum t stop on the Cooke S4 Mini is a t 2.8, and the minimum stop on the Leica Summicron is a t 2.

Leica Summicron 75mm, ungraded

Cooke S4 Mini 75mm, ungraded

Side by side comparison, Leica Summicron 75mm and Cooke S4 Mini 75mm, both ungraded

Next, we’re going to look at the graded versions. I want to see if she’s going to look any younger, or if there are any other unique characteristics to the lenses.

Leica Summicron 75mm, color graded

Cooke S4 Mini 75mm, color graded

Leica Summicron 75mm, color graded

Cooke S4 Mini 75mm, color graded

Side by side comparison, Leica Summicron 75mm and Cooke S4 Mini 75mm, both color graded

Looking at the side by side, both lenses are pretty similar. The face structure is about the same, and Monette looks about the same age with both lenses. The Cooke S4 Mini still looks like it has more of a yellow color, and the Leica Summicron still looks to be more of a neutral lens.


To sum this lens test up-

Leica Summicron-C Lenses:


More neutral

Doesn’t hold highlights as well as the Cooke S4 Mini

Has more contrast

Bokeh is rounder

Cooke S4 Mini Lenses:

More three-dimensional quality; the background is pulled from the foreground.

A bit yellow and red color

Has less contrast

Bokeh is less round, more of a stop sign effect

Shares characteristics with the Cooke S4 lenses

Holds highlights a bit better than the Leica Summicron lenses


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